mental health

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Group of people staring at their phonesFew of us in Illinois are immune to occasionally losing an hour to mindless scrolling on our phones and devices. After all, it's the nature of social media and the internet: an endless series of rabbit holes full of breaking news, TikTok videos, shopping, and Insta updates we didn't know we needed. But, for some, those technological time warps aren't just occasional, they're a daily, or even hourly, preoccupation. When does an innocuous pastime become a problematic addiction? And what do we do about it?
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apple with heart beat carved in itNobody likes to go to the doctor, especially when they aren't sick. But preventative healthcare is a huge piece of the long, healthy, and happy life puzzle. Annual wellness exams often include a general screening, vitals check, labs, and maintenance for chronic health conditions. In fact, it isn't uncommon that these annual exams identify early-stage diseases like cancer, concerning blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thyroid dysfunction, and a host of other common deficiencies and abnormalities. And, since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandated 100 percent coverage for preventative care, there's no excuse for missing your annual physical.
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Person ExercisingAnymore, it's an expectation: New Year's Day rolls around and a laundry list of resolutions lies before us. Gym membership and self-help book sales skyrocket. The revelry of the holidays gives way to Dry January, "clean" meal planning, and the next best diet. Entrepreneurs recommit to the hustle. A growth mindset is on the tip of everyone's tongue. It seems that everyone is looking to fix, improve, and ascend the latter of some self-determined actualization or another.
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Older couple at a doctor visitIt's an invisible facet of the aging process, but more critically linked to maintaining health, functionality, and autonomy than perhaps all else: brain health. From infancy to adulthood, the brain is in a constant state of growth, forming more than a million new neural connections every second in the earliest years of life and achieving 90 percent of its adult volume by age 6.
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Employees stretching at workThere's no getting around the fact that many jobs require desk time, and for many people, that means eight-plus hours a day just sitting. In an ideal world, a life complete with regular yoga practice, chiropractic adjustments, strength training, constitutionals, ideal nutrition, and relaxing massages might be the obvious solution. But few can support such luxuries. Still, adjustments must be made to the sedentary necessities of the grind if it's to continue, well, grinding. Here are a few simple solutions to the desk debacle:
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Man working from home on a laptopRemote work options, both fully and hybridized off-and-on site iterations have overtaken traditional office models, studies have shown that it can have adverse effects on some employees' mental health. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) conducted a comprehensive online survey in the spring of 2021 of 1,000 remote workers' self-reported mental health, and the majority reported negative impacts on their mental health. In fact, Since transitioning to a remote model; isolation and loneliness, in particular, were noted by nearly two-thirds of respondents.
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Spring Clean Like a Pro: Tips and Tricks of the TradeWith spring comes cleaning, and with cleaning comes a fresh opportunity to take on tired interiors and welcome the light and liveliness that summer ushers forth.
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